Thursday, September 24, 2009

lotsa cat pictures in this one

It's still rainy and muddy. Going is slow on these days. We went to inspect what little may have been done, sneaking out so the cat would not follow us.

Well, I don't know how he got out, but you should have heard the plaintive meows coming closer and closer, a-la Jaws... mao... mao...mao... MAO! MAO! MAO!

It was Hee-Larious!

And now for a few pictures. Don't worry, there are lots of cat pictures.

my front porch is covered!

opening my front door for the first time!

uh... ut oh...

Hi Seph! No, we were not trying to ditch you!

living room under water

yes, he is always wearing the same clothes, and he always has a beer in his hand.

intrepid explorer

And Thus Begins The Cat In The Rafters series

Be sure to view the video on the previous entry, and be sure to comment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This cat must be a Chinese Communist. He keeps saying Mao! Mao! Mao!