Friday, September 11, 2009

Foundation fully rebarred

The crew was still at the house when we got home last night. I had already determined that I must rest my foot instead of immediately trekking around out there, and this sealed my decision. I was feeling a little shy.

Anyway, pictures pictures pictures...

crew finishing foundation prep

Gettin' the rebar right

all done

boxes covering drains

Front of house looking east. Porch jutting out.

front left corner

East side of house looking West. That's quite a grade!

construction zone!

And now, cat pictures.

Oops, we started without him (that's Seph's 'concerned' face)

This is Seph's 'I have arrived' face

There really is no point taking pictures of anything else if my cat is around, right? Mao.

This would have been a great series. However, my camera battery died in the middle of it. It would have been a great flip-book. I got 3 shots from what would have been about 6. Sad.




They were scheduled to pour our foundation today. Today. The day that the skies finally opened up. Well, I don't know for sure that it rained at our house. It's rained somewhere in Austin almost every day this week, but not at our house. So they were going to pour the foundation this morning. I don't know if they did it or not. The rain just poured and poured in town. I wonder what I will find when I get home tonight...

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